New for WDSC 2011 is the creation of three analytical breakout sessions designed to offer technical experts, chemists and lab staff in the spirits industry the opportunity to listen to presentations and discuss issues with the techniques used in modern laboratories. These sessions will run in parallel to the main technical program and will focus on raw materials on Tue Sept.13th, product analysis on Sept. Wed. 14th and environmental analysis on Sept. Thur 15th.
The format will be one 2 hour session on each day, being introduced by an expert in the field who will offer a review of existing methodologies which will be followed by presentations from equipment suppliers on the benefits and application of their products to modern laboratory analysis.
Each session will close with discussion and open forum – an opportunity to ask the experts for advice and discuss the challenges in your field.
Tuesday Afternoon: Raw Materials Analysis Session 13:30-15:30
Hosted by Tom Bringhurst, Senior Scientist, SWRI.
Tom will outline current techniques and EBC / IBD recommended methods for the analysis of raw materials used in the production of spirits. This will be an excellent opportunity for familiarisation with recommended methods and to discuss operational parameters and perhaps also to suggest new methods for EBC to consider in the future. 20mins
Anton Paar experts will report on their latest innovative products for the analysis of raw materials covering NIR and densitometry. 20 mins.
Paul Dewsbury of Dionex Corp will discuss the use of ion chromatography for the determination of carbohydrates and other important species in raw materials and process stage analysis. 20 mins
The final speaker in this session will be Jane Walker, Research Scientist, SWRI who will discuss the practical use of the Flow Cytometer for distilling laboratories.
Wednesday Morning: Spirits Analysis Session 09:00-11:00
Hosted by Dr. Binod Maitin, Senior Vice President – Technical, United Spirits Limited, India.
Binod will review the range of techniques available to the analyst for the analysis of spirits based on his own personal experiences. 20 min.
Kevin MacNamara from Irish Distillers Ltd. will discuss the use Gerstel automated solutions for the analysis of trace flavour compounds in spirits and process samples. 20 mins.
Presentations will close with Andrew Davidson of Anatune Ltd. who will deliver a presentation entitled ‘Total automation – Why Complete Automation of Sample Preparation Matters’. 20 mins.
Thursday Morning: Environmental Analysis Session 09:00-11:00
Hosted by Alan Wolstenholme – Caledonian Solutions Ltd
Alan will draw from his wealth of experience and describe and review the legislative requirements and techniques used in the field of environmental analysis. 20 mins.
Graham Hibberd of Agilent Technologies will discuss the developments and practical applications of modern techniques for the detection of trace metals. 20 mins.
Hach Lange presenters David Dunachie and Adrian Hughes will deliver a presentation entitled ‘Water way to save money - HACH LANGE Online and Lab WWT Optimisation Options’. The talk will cover analytical solutions for wastewater, drinking water or process water, measuring parameters from Ammonium to Zinc. 20 mins.
The final talk (speaker to be confirmed) will examine modern techniques for the analysis of pesticides in water and other matrices.